Adding Dealer Owned Boats (new or used) to Inventory

Note: The Dealer Boats functionality must be turned on for your account by one of our support team members.  After this feature is turned on, a company or location admin can grant access to individual users from within your account.

When you want to add dealer owned new or used boats to your company inventory, go to the  Inventory tab and click the Add Inventory button, as displayed below.

If you have dealer inventory manager privileges, you will then see the pop-up shown below.  Select  Dealer New or Dealer Used.

Select the location of this new inventory, then Save/Update.

1) Add Vessel Info.  In addition to the basic Vessel information, if you'd like to add a list of Manufacture equipment to show up on any quotes or purchase agreements, please go to Descriptions / Media and use the "Optional Equipment Manufacturer" Description Category.

2) Add  Pricing Info then you are ready for this inventory to be visible to dealer agents, click on the  Inventory Status drop-down menu to change this inventory from a Pending status to In Stock or On Order (as appropriate).

Dealer Agents can then find company inventory by clicking the  Current View Filter drop-down menu and change from My Active to Company Inventory/Dealer New or Dealer Used.