On Sale Pending Status
YachtCloser now supports the preference of updating BoatWizard listings to On-Sale Pending status when a linked Deal is fully executed. On the Account/Company Info/Brokerage Settings page, a new setting Update BoatWizard On-Sale Pending Status has been added under Deal settings. The default is set to No and if left at No then no updates will be sent to BoatWizard. If Yes is selected YachtCloser will update the On-Active status to On-Sale Pending when a linked deal is fully executed and in a Deal status.
NOTE: Listings that have already published will need to be republished after this setting is turned on for the updated status to be sent to BoatWizard. To trigger a republish go to the Vessel page and update a data field (i.e. Year), select Save/Update, and then change it back and Save/Update.