How to Enhance a YachtWorld Listing
YachtCloser now has the ability to send YachtWorld enhancements to BoatWizard. In order to send enhancements from YachtCloser you must have YachtWorld Enhanced Listing credits available in BoatWizard. To sign up for YachtWorld Enhancements or to buy more credits contact the YachtWorld Sales Department at 877-336-9527 ext. 1 or
Enhancement Setup
User Setup
Go to Account/Location Info/Users and then view a user to turn on the Publish Enhanced privilege for all users that need access to add or remove an enhancement. Please note that if a user has Company Admin rights they are able to add/remove enhancements even if the Publish Enhanced privilege is not turned on.
Default Brokerage and Dealer Settings for New Inventory
If you want ALL new inventory to automatically be enhanced you can turn on these default settings. Go to Account/Company Info/Brokerage Settings and/or Dealer Settings and select the checkmark for Publish Enhanced (new inventory).
How to Enhance a Listing
1. To enhance a listing go to Inventory/Vessel/Publisher Review and select the BoatWizard Logo to open the Listing Publish Log.
2. Select the Enhanced checkbox.
3. To ensure the listing has been enhanced you will see the orange enhanced icon next to Status throughout the Inventory pages and also on the BoatWizard Logo.
The Current Inventory page will display the orange enhancement icon next to the green checkmark to show that the listing has been successfully enhanced. If the enhancement fails the orange enhancement icon will not display here.
How to Remove an Enhancement from a Listing
1. To remove an enhancement from a listing go to Inventory/Vessel/Publisher Review and select the BoatWizard Logo to open the Listing Publish Log as shown in step 1 for enhancing a listing.
2. Select the Enhanced checkbox to remove the checkmark as shown in step 2 for enhancing a listing.
3. You will see a message telling you to go to BoatWizard to remove the enhancement for the listing. The reason for this is BoatWizard is currently unable to accept our request to remove an enhancement but we have asked for that functionality to be added in the future. If you need help removing an enhancement in BoatWizard please contact your BoatWizard account representative.
Enhancement Failed, now what?
If an enhancement fails you will see a yellow warning icon on the BoatWizard Logo on the Publisher Review page and when you click on the logo you will see an error message Not Enough Enhanced Listing Credits. If you purchase additional credits from YachtWorld Sales you will need to republish the listing to send resent the enhancement and clear the error message. The easiest way to trigger a republish is to change a field such as the year, Save, then change the field back to the original data and save.
Note: It can take a minute or two before YachtCloser recognizes that the enhancement has failed so there could be a short delay before seeing the error message. If you enhanced a listing but the orange enhanced icon is not displaying next to the green checkmark on the Current Inventory page then it most likely failed.