YachtCloser Release 61

Date of Release:  2/22/2018

The following release notes outline the major changes that will impact users.  The release may also contain general bug fixes and under-the-hood type of improvements that are not visible to users.  

Recognize Password Protected Document when attached to Esign and Email

Upload Password Protected Document

When a password protected document is Uploaded a lock icon will display next to the name.

Password Protected Document Not Available to Esign

When a broker is attaching documents to an electronic signature, password protected documents cannot be selected.  A lock icon displays next to the name and the status displays "LOCKED file - Not available to Esign".

Attach Password Protected Document to Email

When attaching documents to an email, if a locked file is attached it must be sent as a separate PDF.  The status displays that information on the Attach Documents window "LOCKED file - Combined PDF not allowed; Separate PDFs OK"

If a locked file is selected for attachment the Package As: Combined PDF option will be disabled and Separate PDF will be automatically selected since these can only be sent as separate PDFs.

Changes to the Dealer Deal Summary page

We have made changes to the Deal Summary page for Dealer deals to match brokerage deals.  The Deposits, Financing, and Payoff - Trade-in button on the right navigation bar have been moved as ellipsis buttons next to the associated fields.

Gross Tonnage and Net Tonnage support up to 2 decimal places

Under the Vessel page, on the Specifications page, we are now supporting up to 2 decimal places for the Gross Tonnage and Net Tonnage fields.

Merge Vessel Details hidden when YachtCloser has Published

If YachtCloser has published a listing to BoatWizard, we are no longer displaying the Merge Vessel Details button at the bottom of the Vessel page to alleviate confusion as it is not valid when YachtCloser is the master record.

Display Publish Error for invalid Location Postal Code

If an invalid postal code has been entered for the location on the vessel page, causing a publish error, we will now display the cause of the error to the user.  Simply go to the Publisher Review page and click on the BoatWizard Icon (a red X will appear indicating the error is present).  The error message, "Invalid Location Postal Code" will display so the user knows to fix the postal code.