New Documents Page Design Overview

The Documents page is designed to simplify the workflow for selecting and sending documents to your clients.  The Inventory / Documents page is demonstrated below but the design is the same for the Deal / Documents page.  Here's an overview of how it works:

ADD DOCUMENTS: First, click the Add Documents button to select the document(s) you need for the Listing or Deal, e.g. Listing Agreement or Purchase and Sale Agreement.  Once you have selected at least one document, click the Add button.

SELECT ACTION: Next, select a document by clicking anywhere in the row of that document (a green checkmark indicates selection) and choose which action you want to perform for the selected document(s). You can Esign, Email, Download, Hand Sign, Reset, or Remove one or more documents at the same time.

ESIGN OR EMAIL OPTIONS: If documents are being sent for electronic signature or emailing as a PDF, you can add a custom "Subject" or "Message" to personalize the invitation to the client.  When emailing, you also have the option to send documents as one combined PDF or as separate PDF's.