How to Add/Update Seller Information
To add or update seller information, go to the Deal tab and view the specific deal record by clicking the View button in the Actions column.
Once the deal is open, go to the Seller page and enter in the applicable information. If the Seller one of your clients and already listed under your Client tab, you can use the Client Search button to find the existing client record and populate that client information into this dealin, as displayed below. More detailed information about the Client Search button is in another article.
If you do not know the Seller's information, you can choose the Owner of Record option in the Display As drop-down, as displayed below.
NOTE: If you have previously saved the wrong seller on the Deal / Seller page, do NOT backspace over the information in every field and re-input a new seller's information. Rather, please use the Remove Seller button, which will clear the page and allow you input a brand new seller as needed.
On the contrary, if you are only trying to update or add additional information to the current seller, you can click in the appropriate field and update it.
You can add Additional Information, such as the seller's birthday or driver license number, or you can add a new Co-Seller or update co-seller information on the right side of the page, as displayed below.
Before leaving the Seller page, make sure to click the Save/Update button.