How to Attach an Uploaded document to a PSA and Send for eSignature

You can attach a Listing Brochure for the Buyers to electronically initial when you send them the Purchase and Sale Agreement for eSignature.  

First, you must upload the Listing/Marketing Brochure by clicking the  Upload Document(s) button on the Uploads tab of the Documents page, as shown below.  You will browse your computer files and select the desired Listing/Marketing Brochure.

The Listing/Marketing brochure is now on the  Uploads tab, as shown below.

To send the PSA and marketing brochure, go to the  Documents tab, select the Purchase and Sale Agreement by clicking anywhere in the row, and click the Esign button.

Select the party/parties you want to receive the eSign invitation, click the Attachments button to include the Listing/Marketing Brochure, and click the Send Invites button.

The eSign email to your buyer(s) will look similar to the one below: